Guidance & Programs of Choice News

Suicide Prevention Training

As part of the Student Support Services ongoing plan to increase suicide awareness and prevention district-wide, Guidance and Choice provided training specific to Suicide Risk Assessment. This workshop was presented by Melissa Witmeier with the Florida Linking Individuals Needing Care Project.

School counselors, social workers and a school board member attended the training. Prior to this, school counselors participated in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training and school administrators participated in QPR Postvention Training. Students and parents can access further information on suicide prevention & awareness by visiting the National Association of School Psychologists website. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK.

College and Career Night

The Guidance and Choice Department presented the annual College and Career Night September 6.  St. Augustine High School was the host school for this year’s event. Over 80 representatives from post-secondary universities, colleges and career technical schools provided students in grades 8-12 and their families from public, private and home school of St. Johns County with an opportunity to learn more about their institutions and programs. Also, over a dozen mini-workshops were provided on topics such as the college admission process and financial aid.  The event was well attended by students and families throughout the county.  We are grateful for the collaborative effort between the department and St. Augustine High School for this year’s successful event!

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