District Crisis Team

The purpose of the St. Johns County School District Crisis Team is to respond to a crisis with a goal of helping individuals and groups cope and begin the healing process after a tragedy.  Our team is comprised of diverse members with a passion for helping when an incident occurs.

Resources for Parents Talking With Children About Tragic Events

The district crisis team provides multiple levels of service to our school community: responder training for team members, administrators, school counselors, faculty and staff; consultation to school leaders and families; and core and extended team on-site services.

Support is provided in situations such as a student or staff death (trauma and grief); Natural Disaster (emotional recovery); tragedy and violence (resources for students and families to cope and build resiliency). For additional information, or to donate resources to the district crisis team, please contact Dr. Lindsey Page or Kelly Foss, SJCSD Crisis Team Leads.

© 2024 St. Johns County School District