Controlled Open Enrollment (COE)

General Application Information

Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) applications are only available during an open enrollment period. The 2024-2025 enrollment periods are listed at the bottom of this page. When available, applications can be accessed by visiting, Additionally, paper copies of the application are also available at the SJCSD Yates Building, located at 47 Orange Street St. Augustine, FL 32084.

One application is required for each school in which a student is requesting to attend. (For example, if a student would be willing to attend two controlled open enrollment elementary schools, two separate applications are required.)

For purposes of educational continuity, all students enrolled through controlled open enrollment are permitted to remain at their awarded school until the highest grade level has been completed. After completion, students must return to their home zoned school or apply for a new controlled open enrollment seat, thus beginning the process again.

Students who are subject to a current expulsion, suspension, excessive behavior infractions or poor attendance, will not be considered for a controlled open enrollment seat.


Lottery Process and Selection

Applications for controlled open enrollment will only be accepted during an open application period. Once the period has closed, all applications are randomly selected using a number system. Available seats will be assigned to applicants, starting at number one for each school requested, and ending at the total number of available seats.

A separate lottery is run simultaneously for both in-county residents as well as out-of-county residents. Applications are numbered separately, and in-county residents have priority. As a result, out-of-county applications are only considered if seats remain after the in-county resident lottery is completed.

Awarded seats are communicated through e-mail using the address provided on the application. Once you are notified of a lottery seat, the parent/guardian must accept the seat by responding to the Guidance and Choice e-mail within 10 working days. If no response is received after 10 working days, the seat will be considered declined.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to enroll the awarded student in the specified school prior to the designated start date as listed below.

If a student receives a lottery selection for more than one school, the parent/guardian must select one school and decline the other. If seats re-open due to a declined selection, the student with the next number in the lottery will be notified and offered the seat. A waitlist will be maintained between application windows; however, a new application must be completed at the start of each new window, as they do not carry over.

There is no appeal process for controlled open enrollment.

Preferential Treatment

Per Florida State Statute 1002.31(c), the following situations qualify for preferential treatment:

  • Dependent children of active-duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders.
  • Children who have been relocated due to a foster care placement in a different school zone.
  • Children who have been moved due to a court-ordered change in custody, which was the result of a separation or divorce, or the serious illness or death of a custodial parent.
  • Students residing within St. Johns County.

An additional SJCSD preferential consideration includes siblings. Siblings are defined as a brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother or stepsister, living in the same household. Verification of residency will be required.

A parent may declare their school preference for an applicant in an effort to place siblings at the same school. There are two forms of sibling preference for an applicant:

  1.  The sibling of the applicant is currently enrolled and attending the requested school, through controlled open enrollment (COE).
  2.  The applicant has a sibling with a separate controlled open enrollment application for the same cycle.

Please note that preferential sibling requests are still prioritized based on in-county and out-of-county residents.

If household siblings apply and one sibling is selected, the other will have priority to attend the same school. However, if a grade level seat is not available for the second (or any thereafter) sibling, both (all) siblings will be placed on the sibling wait list.

If siblings cannot be placed at the same school, a hardship request may be submitted through School Services, for in-county residents only.

Availability of Transportation

School district transportation is not available for any controlled open enrollment student. Transportation must be arranged and provided by the parent/guardian. Families may be eligible for a transportation scholarship to help offset the financial commitment of transporting a child/children to another school. More information on this topic can be found at:

Student Athlete Transfers   (Applies to middle school student athletes)

Student athletes who transfer to another school must comply with the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) rules of athletic eligibility. In order to be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics and interscholastic extracurricular activities, the following applies.

A student participating in controlled open enrollment (COE) or a program of interest, is immediately eligible upon enrollment to participate in interscholastic athletics and interscholastic extracurricular activities, provided they meet the minimum academic criteria AND that they were not immediately participating at a previous school unless one of the following applies:

  1. Dependent children of active-duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders.
  2.  Children who have been relocated due to a foster care placement in a different school zone.
  3. Children who have moved due to a court ordered change in custody, due to separation or divorce, or serious illness or death of a custodial parent.
  4. Good cause for participation exists under district or charter school policy.

A student who has not started a sport may seek to immediately join an existing team if the roster for the specific interscholastic team or interscholastic extracurricular activity has not yet reached the identified maximum size. In addition, the head coach or school athletic director may determine that the student has the requisite skills and ability to participate.

Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Transfers

Students who have been identified as a student with a disability and who have an active IEP, may not be eligible for a Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) transfer, if the student’s IEP cannot be implemented as written at the requested school. Please call the Guidance and Choice Office with specific questions

Voluntary Return to Assigned School or District

Upon request, a student shall be permitted to return to their home zoned school; however, it is recommended that the student return at the end of a marking period or semester, unless extenuating circumstances apply.

Rescinding of Placement

Controlled Open Enrollment placement may be rescinded if:

  • Incorrect or false information was provided on the application.
  • Attendance, tardiness or discipline/behavior problems develop at the awarded school.

Class Size Compliance

Availability of seats at a school designated as having capacity under the controlled open enrollment process, is subject to the maximum class size pursuant to Florida Statute 1003.03 and Section 1, Article IX of the State Constitution.

Extension of Application Window for Military: Applications for dependent children of active-duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders may continue to be filed after the application deadline if seats remain unfilled for the school year.

Controlled Open Enrollment
Application Windows


Application Window 1: Nov 1 - 22, 2024

Lottery and Notification:
Dec. 2 - Dec. 6, 2024

Start Date:
January 6, 2025

Now Open

Application Window 2: Feb 3 - Feb. 21, 2025

Lottery and Notification:
Feb. 24 - Feb 28, 2025

Start Date:
March 24, 2025


Application Window 3: Apr 28 - May 15, 2025

Lottery and Notification:
May 19 - 23, 2025

Start Date:
August 11, 2025

Controlled Open Enrollment
Seat Availability

Please note that the total number of available school seats and the number of available grade level seats, do not match. A building’s capacity is based on space within the permanent structure. The number of seats available for each grade level is based on actual seats with a teacher. Schools are not required to hire additional staff to accommodate controlled open enrollment.

Up to 18 Available Seats

Grade LevelSeats

Up to 14 Available Seats

Grade LevelSeats

Up to 150 Available Seats

Grade LevelSeats

Up to 126 Available Seats

Grade LevelSeats

Up to 230 Available Seats

Grade LevelSeats

Up to 54 Available Seats

Middle school student schedules are course specific and therefore are not broken down by grade level.

Up to 21 Available Seats

Middle school student schedules are course specific and therefore are not broken down by grade level.

Applications for Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) transfers can be submitted electronically or downloaded from the Guidance and Choice section of our website. If applying to multiple schools, a separate application is required for each child and each school of choice.

Please note: VPK students are NOT eligible for controlled open enrollment. Additionally, all St. Johns County K-8 and high schools are excluded from this program as they are currently operating at full capacity or have been operating for less than three (3) years.

This application is exclusively for controlled open enrollment (COE) applicants only. It is not intended for Academy or Program of Study requests, Gifted or ESE Special Program transfer requests, or hardship requests.

COE Contacts

Director of
Guidance & Choice

Kelly Foss
[email protected]

Executive Secretary of Guidance & Choice

Keyjah Camps
[email protected]

Guidance & Choice Location

40 Orange St, St Augustine Fl, 32084
47 Orange St, St Augustine Fl, 32084

© 2025 St. Johns County School District