Report Bullying and Harassment Incidents & the Policy


St. Johns County School District believes that all students and employees be afforded a setting that is safe, secure, and free from bullying and harassment of any kind. In compliance with Florida Statute 1006.147 and School Board Rule 3.21, the school district has adopted a comprehensive policy prohibiting bullying and harassment.

Policy Prohibiting Bullying and/or Harassment

Definition of Bullying

For behaviors to be labeled as bullying, all three of the following components must be present:

  • The behavior is repeated
  • The behavior is intentional
  • There is an imbalance of power

Meeting the School District Definition of Bullying

The school level investigation will determine if all three components are present and the behavior meets the school district’s definition of bullying written in our policy. The St. Johns County School District’s policy prohibiting bullying and harassment defines bullying as systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students. See policy above for the full definition.

Reporting Bullying and Harassment Incidents

Incidents of bullying or harassment can be reported as follows:

  • In person at the school
  • In writing to the school
  • Online by using the “Report Bullying” button above
  • By phone to the school

If bullying is reported anonymously, please provide enough details for school staff to investigate.

The following forms can be used to report bullying:

The investigation process is explained by the following flowchart:
Flowchart of Bullying/Harassments Investigation

© 2024 St. Johns County School District