
School enrollment information can be found on our Student Services Department website. It lists the necessary requirements to register your child for school in Florida and includes a link to complete  our district’s online enrollment form.

From Schoology to Office 365, St. Johns County School District students use a number of websites and to support their classroom instruction. Find out how to access each.

Please view our school district’s new Mental Health and Wellness Portal which offers valuable information and links to helpful resources on a wide range of mental health related topics.

Get your questions answered about St. Johns County School District’s learning management system, Schoology.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out which school my child will attend?
Visit our Attendance Zoning page, which links to county zoning maps maintained by the St. Johns County Government’s GIS Department.

How do I go about transferring my child into / out of / within the St. Johns County School District?
Details on each process are also included on the School Services Department website, along with the appropriate forms to be completed.

How do I order Student Records?
Records request forms are available in the Student Records Office and may be mailed or faxed. For more information, please visit the website of the Student Records Department.

Student Technology Devices

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
This BYOD policy will allow students, parents, staff and guests to use their own technology during the day when authorized by the teacher to enhance the learning experience. Participation by students in the BYOD program is NOT required.  

Student Mobile Device Terms and Use Conditions
District guidelines are provided here so that students and parents are aware of the responsibilities they accept when they use District-owned computer devices, mobile hotspots and technology resources.

Student Technology Device Damage or Loss Report Form
If you have a District-owned computer device, mobile hotspot, or technology resource that has been damaged, please complete this form and return it to the Tech Support Specialist at your child’s school.

Student Technology Device Return Form
Please fill out this form when you return a District-owned computer device, mobile hotspot, or other technology resource to your child’s school.

Get Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Free!

Employees & currently enrolled students may install Office 365 on up to 5 PCs or Macs and others mobile devices for FREE. Some restrictions apply. Get Office365 now!

More Information for SJCSD Families

Report Bullying

St. Johns County School District believes that all students and employees be afforded a setting that is safe, secure, and free from bullying and harassment of any kind. In compliance with Florida Statute 1006.147 and School Board Rule 3.21, the school district has adopted a comprehensive policy prohibiting bullying and harassment.

View the District’s policy prohibiting bullying and harassment.

Home Access Center (HAC)

Home Access Center (HAC) is a web-based application that allows parents to view their child’s educational information via a secure password-protected website.

“Know the Law” Guide Book

Know the Law GuidebookKnow the Law is provided for you by PACT Prevention Coalition, the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, the St. Johns County School District and the State Attorney’s Office in hope that it will become a valuable tool for you and your parents or guardians. It is designed to help you know and understand the laws and their consequences as they apply to you. When making decisions about your behavior, you should always take the time to consider the law and weigh the consequences before you act. “Ignorance of the law” is never an acceptable excuse for bad behavior.

View the Know the Law Guidebook.

Learn English at FCTC

The Adult ESOL Program at First Coast Technical College provides basic adult literacy, English language and life-skills instruction to county residents whose native language is not English. The goal of the program is to provide students with the English language proficiency to learn to read and succeed in life and work.

High School Academies

High school students — apply to join any one of multiple career academies located at our district high schools. Academies are small learning communities of students which combine a college-preparatory curriculum with a career theme. Get more information on the High School Academies website.

ESE Parent Survey

The Florida Department of Education works with school districts to gather information on how well parents think their child’s school is partnering with parents of students with disabilities, and would like to include your input. Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for children and families.

Participate in the ESE Parent Survey.

© 2025 St. Johns County School District