Bullying Prevention Education
The St. Johns County School District integrates bullying prevention education into the curriculum at all grade levels per Florida Statute 1006.147 and School Board Policy 3.21. Education includes the definition of bullying behavior, what to do if you are being bullied, and how to help others that are being bullied.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education
Florida’s Legislature passed an addition to Section 1003.42(2)(n), Florida Statutes, stating that Teen Dating Violence and Abuse education be incorporated as part of instruction for students in grades 7 through 12. The St. Johns County School District integrates information on healthy and unhealthy relationships for students in grades 7 through 12 into the curriculum per statute and School Board Rule 5.26.
Substance Abuse Prevention Education
School Board Rule – Chapter 4.00 – The Curriculum 4.02(13) states that “Students at all appropriate levels will be given instruction regarding the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse.” This is achieved through lesson integrated into the curriculum, activities during Red Ribbon Week, and collaboration with community agencies.
Internet Safety Education
Florida Statute 1003.42(2)(n) requires that public schools include the topic of Internet Safety in comprehensive health education. This is achieved through school based lessons and collaboration with community agencies.