Student Progression Plan

Parent / Legal Guardian / Student / Teacher Notifications and Public Reporting

Parent/Legal Guardian/Student Notification of Graduation Program Options F.SF.S.1003.4282(2)

Requires that each school provide students in grades six through twelve and their parents/legal guardian with information in writing concerning the three-year and four-year high school graduation options, available diploma designations, eligibility for state scholarship programs, and eligibility requirements for postsecondary admission. The information shall include a timeframe for achieving each graduation option.

Parent/Legal Guardian/Student Notification of Acceleration Mechanisms 1003.02 F.S.

During course registration, the district shall notify parents/legal guardian of all secondary students of the opportunity and benefits of advanced placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), dual enrollment (DE) and St. Johns Virtual School (SJVS)/Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses.

Student Notification of Dual Enrollment Opportunities 1007.271 (5) F.S.

Students shall be informed of dual enrollment eligibility criteria and the option for taking dual enrollment courses beyond the regular school year and school day.

Parent/Legal Guardian Notification of High School GPA less Than 2.5 1003.43(5)(e)2 F.S.

A student’s report card is the parent’s/legal guardian’s official notification of the student’s grades and cumulative GPA. Parents/legal guardian of students in grades 9-12 shall be notified each semester if the GPA is less than .5 above the cumulative GPA required for graduation.

Parent/Legal Guardian Notification at End of Grade 10 for Students Not Meeting 18-Credit Program Requirements 1003.429 (7) (a) (b) (c) F.S.

If, at the end of grade 10, a student is not on track to meet the credit, assessment, or GPA requirements of the 18- credit accelerated graduation program, the school shall notify the parent/legal guardian of the following:

  • the requirements performance-based option that the student is currently not meeting,
  • the specific performance necessary in grade 11 for the student to meet the accelerated graduation requirements, and/or
  • the option for the student to change to a four-year 24-credit graduation program.

Parent/Legal Guardian Notification of Student Retention

Parents/legal guardians shall be notified in writing when it is apparent that the student may need to be retained. Documentation shall be kept, and an acknowledgment of such notification shall be obtained. Ongoing communication with the parents/legal guardians shall be maintained.

Parent/Legal Guardian Notification of Remediation

Parent/legal guardian notification shall be documented when a student is being remediated in reading, writing, science, and/or math and is being considered for retention. School personnel shall use available resources to achieve parent/legal guardian understanding and cooperation regarding a student’s remediation, progress monitoring plan, and possible retention. Parents/legal guardians shall be informed of student progress via quarterly report cards and conferences as deemed necessary by the school.

Student and Parent/Legal Guardian Notification of Student Declaration to Withdraw from School

1003.21 F.S. A student who attains the age of 16 years during the school year is not subject to compulsory school attendance beyond the date upon which he or she attains that age if the student files a formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment with the district school board. The declaration must acknowledge that terminating school enrollment is likely to reduce the student’s earning potential and must be signed by the student and the student’s parent/legal guardian.

The following steps must also be taken:

  • The school shall notify the student’s parent/legal guardian of receipt of the student’s declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment.
  • The student’s school counselor or other school personnel shall conduct an exit interview with the student to determine the reasons for the student’s decision to terminate school enrollment and actions that could be taken to keep the student in school.
  • The student shall be informed of opportunities to continue his or her education in a different environment, including, but not limited to, adult education and GED test preparation.
  • The student shall complete a survey to provide data on reasons for terminating enrollment and actions taken by schools to keep students enrolled.

Guidance personnel shall notify all students of the consequences of failure to receive a standard diploma including the potential ineligibility for financial assistance at a postsecondary institution.