Student Progression Plan

Promotion Information

Student Progression from One Grade to Another

Student progression from one grade to another is based on proficiency in reading, writing, science, social studies, and math with the exception of grade 3 when students cannot progress to grade 4 if they score at Level 1 on the grade 3 FAST in reading and do not qualify for one of the six good cause exemptions.

No Social Promotion/Administrative Placement 1008.25 (6)(a) F.S.

Florida statute prohibits the assignment of a student to a grade level based solely on age or other factors that constitute social promotion or administrative assignment—placement at the next grade level without regard for student mastery of the appropriate ELA B.E.S.T. Standards. A student fails to meet the state levels of performance for student progression when the student fails to achieve Level 3 on the FAST in reading, mathematics, and/or science. As the FAST is not the sole determiner of promotion or retention, the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team shall base a promotion or retention decision on the preponderance of evidence reviewed.

Promotion under Unique Circumstances

In certain unique circumstances, a student may be promoted without meeting the specific assessment performance levels prescribed by the district and the state. Promotion may be recommended by a principal working with the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Team if the student is able to demonstrate mastery of the B.E.S.T. Standards through alternate assessments with the preponderance of evidence indicating that the student’s achievement is equivalent to the designated levels of performance for student progression. Schools receiving students with low state standardized assessment scores in reading and math who are promoted by a “preponderance of evidence” may contact the sending school to review the evidence to

(1) make the best possible instructional placement decision and

(2) to plan for differentiation.

This provision does not apply to grade 3 students who score Level 1 on the FAST in reading.

Promotion of Late-in-the-Year Transfer Students

The promotion of students transferring into St. Johns County during the last grading period shall be determined primarily by the grades and records received from the sending school.