Student Progression Plan

College and Career Acceleration

Dual Enrollment Courses 1007.271(1) F.S., 1007.271(4)F.S.

The dual enrollment program is defined as enrollment of an eligible secondary (grades 6-12) student or home education student in a postsecondary course, or courses, creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. The High School Subject Area Equivalency List is located at

Through an articulation agreement, SJCSD students attend dual enrollment courses at St. Johns River State College (SJRSC). A student may request an exception to the SJRSC attendance requirement by filing a dual enrollment waiver. Steps for obtaining a dual enrollment waiver include the following:

  • Upon consultation with the school counselor, the student must complete a Dual Enrollment Waiver Request Form provided by the school counselor. Completing the petition process does not guarantee approval of the waiver.
  • The student must write a statement requesting an exception be made to the policy requiring his/her participation in Dual Enrollment at SJRSC, which serves the St. Johns County School District. In this statement, an explanation must be given describing the rationale for the request.
  • The school counselor must submit the waiver request form to the principal for approval/disapproval.
  • If approved, the principal must submit the waiver to the Director for Secondary Instructional Services for approval.
  • The Director for Secondary Instructional Services must submit the approved waiver to the Director of Dual Enrollment at SJRSC.

Dual enrollment courses may be taken during school hours, after school hours and during the summer term. A student shall be granted credit toward high school graduation requirements for appropriate courses taken through dual enrollment. Without prior approval, there is no guarantee that high school credit will be granted for non- SJRSC courses.

Applied academics for adult education instruction, developmental education, and other forms of precollegiate instruction, as well as physical education courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather than the intellectual attributes of the activity, are ineligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment program.

Dual enrollment shall be offered on the high school campus whenever possible. Students should take DE courses on their zoned high school campus if they are offered there, as opposed to the SJRSC campus. Taking a dual enrollment course through a 4-year state university is not an option if the course is offered on the local high school campus or SJRSC. A waiver would be needed when the advanced studies progression of the student requires a third-year college curriculum. The district has an articulation agreement with UNF for these very unusual circumstances.

According to the Florida Department of Education Office of Articulation, dual enrollment science courses taken with a corresponding laboratory course will be awarded 1.0 high school science credit. Dual enrollment science courses taken without a laboratory component will be awarded 0.5 high school credit.

Dual enrollment courses receive the same weighting for GPA calculation as International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), and Advanced Placement (AP).

The Dual Enrollment Transfer Guarantee is to be distributed to all dual enrollment students and their parents/legal guardian. It is available at

For more information, please visit the Florida Department of Education Dual Enrollment at

Prerequisites for Dual Enrollment 1007.271 F.S.

  • Students must first meet district qualifications for honors course placement to be considered for dual enrollment.
  • Students must demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework if the student is to be enrolled in college courses.
  • Career dual enrollment shall be available for secondary students seeking a degree and industry certification through a career education program or course.
  • Public school students must have a 3.0 unweighted GPA for college-credit dual enrollment courses, or a 2.0 unweighted GPA for career dual enrollment courses.
  • Exceptions to the required grade point averages may be granted on an individual student basis if the educational entities agree, and the terms of the agreement are contained within the dual enrollment articulation agreement.
  • Participation in the career early admission program shall be limited to students who have completed a minimum of four semesters of full-time secondary enrollment, including studies undertaken in the ninth grade.
  • A High School GPA may not be required for home education students to participate in dual enrollment courses who meet the minimum score on a common placement test or other qualifying placement test adopted by the State Board of Education which indicates that the student is ready for college-level coursework.

To continue participation in college-credit dual enrollment, students must maintain a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA and the minimum postsecondary GPA established by SJRSC. To continue participation in career certificate dual enrollment courses, students must maintain a 2.0 unweighted high school GPA.

Regardless of meeting student eligibility requirements for continued enrollment, a student may lose the opportunity to participate in a dual enrollment course if the student is disruptive to the learning process such that the progress of other students or the efficient administration of the course is hindered.

Dual enrollment courses taught on the high school campus may not be combined with any non-college-credit high school course.

Students must have the minimum of these scores to be considered college ready. They may mix and match their best score from these tests. Test scores must be less than two years old.

Dual enrollment and early admission students are exempt from the Florida College System degree admissions requirements (1007.263 F.S.) More information is available at

AICE, AP, and IB courses are designed to earn college credit as well as meet high school graduation requirements. As such, materials and discussions for these courses may reflect topics not typically included in SJCSD courses. Due to the dual credit nature of these courses, content and materials may not be modified.

Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement 1007.271 F.S.

The superintendent of schools and president of the Florida College System shall complete a dual enrollment

articulation agreement prior to fall registration each year. The agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the following components:

  • a plan for the Florida College System to provide guidance services to participating students on the selection of courses in the dual enrollment program,
  • the process by which students and their parents/legal guardians exercise their option to participate in an articulated acceleration program,
  • high school credits earned for completion of each dual enrollment course,
  • postsecondary courses that meet the criteria to be counted toward meeting graduation requirements,
  • eligibility criteria for student participation in dual enrollment courses and programs,
  • institutional responsibilities regarding student screening grade prior to enrollment and monitoring student performance,
  • identification of the instructional quality criteria by which dual enrollment courses and programs are to be judged,
  • delineation of institutional responsibilities for assuming the costs for dual enrollment courses and programs, including responsibilities for student instructional materials,
  • delineation of responsibility for providing student transportation if the dual enrollment is conducted at a facility other than a high school campus, and
  • process for converting college credit hours earned through dual enrollment and early admission programs to high school credit based on mastery of course outcomes.

Student Materials for Dual Enrollment Courses 1007.271(13) F.S.

Students enrolled for dual enrollment courses through a district high school are exempt from the payment of registration, tuition, online instructional materials access code and lab fees. Core subject textbooks assigned for use within dual enrollment courses shall be made available free of charge to public, PEP, and homeschool dual enrollment students. Due to the re-use of dual enrollment materials, it is imperative that dual enrollment students return their books on time. There will be a $10/book per day late fee for books not returned at the designated time.

Home education students may enroll in a dual enrollment course at their zoned high school with the principal’s approval. They may take the course at the college if it is not available at the zoned high school. Each college must enter into a Home Education Articulation Agreement with each student seeking enrollment in a dual enrollment course. Private school students may not enroll in our school district for a dual enrollment course to obtain exemptions from fees. PEP students must contact the college directly to enroll in courses.

Student Transportation for Dual Enrollment Courses

Students taking dual enrollment courses on a postsecondary campus or on a high school campus outside of regular school hours must provide their own transportation.

Dual Enrollment and the Three-Year 18-Credit ACCEL Graduation Program Students

Students enrolled in a three-year 18-credit ACCEL graduation program may be eligible for dual enrollment credit. However, all dual enrollment courses must be taken prior to the completion of the 18 required credits.

Dual Enrollment Funding

No student may be counted for funding through both a dual enrollment and advanced placement program.

Students who will graduate prior to completion of a dual enrollment course may not register as a dual enrollment student. An eligible student may enroll and pay tuition and fees. (1007.271 F.S.)

Instructional Time for Dual Enrollment 1007.271(2) F.S.

Instructional time for dual enrollment may vary from 900 hours; however, schools may only report a dual enrollment student for a maximum of 1.0 FTE. Each semester of instruction (.5 credit) that is eligible for high school and dual enrollment credit shall be reported as 75 membership hours for purposes of FTE calculation.

Enrollment in College Courses for College Credit Only

Students enrolled in postsecondary instruction not creditable toward a high school diploma shall be required to assume the cost of instructional materials and fees.

Placement Criteria for Dual Enrollment at First Coast Technical College

Students wishing to be placed in dual enrollment classes at First Coast Technical College must fulfill the following requirements:

  • be in grades 10, 11 or 12,
  • have a 2.0 or higher GPA upon entry
  • be on track for graduation
  • complete the dual enrollment/registration form including all required signatures
  • complete required entrance assessments
  • maintain a grade of C or above average in selected dual enrollment program(s)

Placement Criteria for Dual Enrollment – Associate Degree at St. Johns River State College 1007.271(3) F.S.

Students in grades 6-12 wishing to enroll as dual enrollment students (AA or AS degrees) at St. Johns River State College first must meet St. Johns County School District Honors Criteria. In addition, students must meet the following requirements:

  • demonstrate readiness for college or career level course work
  • be seeking an associate in science college degree, or an associate in arts college degree
  • have a minimum 3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA,
  • have demonstrated academic, social, and emotional maturity to ensure success in college level study
  • have a school counselor’s and principal’s approval
  • be limited to 10 hours of college credit enrollment per college semester
  • maintain a grade of C or better in each class to remain in the dual enrollment program
  • be aware that receiving a grade of D or F, or withdrawing (W) for any course results in ineligibility to remain in the dual enrollment program
  • provide acceptable results from the American College Test (ACT), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) or another standardized placement test for college level English and math. (See Qualifying Placements Chart on page 20).

Eligible dual enrollment students are exempt from the payment of registration, tuition, online access fees and laboratory fees.

Dual Enrollment and Early Admission students are encouraged to meet regularly with college advisors and to develop a post-secondary plan and major during information and orientation sessions. Dual Enrollment and Early Admission students will be required to meet with a college advisor after completion of 20-30 college credits.

Dual Enrollment Credit Limitations

Eligible students may earn up to 10 dual enrollment credits per college semester for each fall and spring semester (as defined by the Florida College System semester). Students whose Customized Learning Path (CLP) indicates the need for two science courses, two labs, and a 3 credit DE course for a total of 11 credits in one semester may petition for permission to take 11 credits. The principal or designee, in coordination with dual enrollment coordinator at the Florida College System, shall approve or disapprove the petition.

Applied academics for adult education instruction, developmental education, and other forms of precollegiate instruction, as well as physical education courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather than the intellectual attributes of the activity, are ineligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment program.

Early Career High School/Dual Enrollment Option 1007.271(4) F.S.

Early Career is a Program of Interest for secondary students as a curricular option for secondary students seeking a career certificate and industry certification through a career education program or course, adopted pursuant to s. 1008.44, which count as credits toward the high school diploma.

Placement Criteria for Early Career High School/Dual Enrollment - Career Certificate at First Coast Technical College

Students wishing to enroll in the dual enrollment career certificate program at First Coast Technical College must meet the following requirements:

  • demonstrate readiness for career level course work
  • have a minimum 2.0 unweighted grade point average
  • take a series of elective credits rather than isolated career courses

Exceptions to the required GPAs may be granted if the school and Florida College System agree and the terms of the agreement are contained within the dual enrollment articulation agreement.

Early College High School/Dual Enrollment Option 1007.273 F.S.

Early College is a Program of Choice for secondary students to undertake college-level courses and earn an associate degree simultaneously with the high school diploma (1008.44 F.S.). Florida Statute 1007.271 establishes that dual enrollment is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and either a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree.

Early Admission to College 1007.271(10) F.S.

Early admission is a form of dual enrollment through which eligible secondary students enroll in a postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that are creditable toward the high school diploma and the associate or baccalaureate degree. A student must enroll in a minimum of 12 college credit hours per semester or the equivalent to participate in the early admission program. After having earned 17 credits, a student may be excused from the last two semesters of his/her high school experience if he/she is accepted for admission by an accredited college or university. The student must meet the following requirements:

  • have an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or better
  • perform acceptably on the entry level placement instrument designated by the postsecondary institution
  • obtain a written recommendation from the school principal or his/her representative

A student under this program shall have the rights and privileges of the Dual Enrollment Program if an agreement exists with that college. If a student plans to use the Early Admission option at a school with which there is not a current agreement with St. Johns County Schools, the student must obtain approval for early admission from the superintendent and the School Board.