Placement of English Language Learners English Language Learners (ELLs) shall be placed in appropriate courses designed to provide ESOL instruction in English and the basic subject areas of mathematics, science, social studies, and computer literacy. The ELL Committee, which is composed of the principal or designee, an ESOL/language arts teacher, the school counselor, and any other instructional personnel responsible for the instruction of English Language Learners, shall make recommendations concerning the appropriate placement, promotion, and retention of English Language Learners. A parent/legal guardian of any students being reviewed shall be invited to participate in the meetings. Criteria to be utilized in making appropriate placement decisions include:
- Academic performance and progress of a student based on formal and/or alternative assessments in English and/or the student’s native language.
- Progress, attendance, and retention reports.
- Number of years the student has been enrolled in the ESOL Program.
The St. Johns County School District ESOL Plan may be accessed under English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) on the district website:
English Language Learners
Per FL Rule 6A-6.0902 Requirements for Identification, Eligibility, and Programmatic Assessments of English Language Learners. All children in the United States are entitled to equal access to a basic public elementary and secondary education regardless of their or their parents’/legal guardians’ actual or perceived national origin, citizenship, or immigration status. The school district may not inquire into a student’s immigration status nor keep records or lists pertaining to immigration status. The following process will be followed:
- Do not ask about a student or their parent’s/legal guardian’s immigration status,
- Follow SJCSD enrollment guidelines as for any student,
- Follow SJCSD documentation of residency policy, and
- Follow SJCSD documented guardianship policy (if necessary).
*Enrollment cannot be denied based on lack of educational records. If academic records are unavailable, continue to request and place the student in age-appropriate grade level. (Registrars/Counselors will refer to the temporary grade placement form found in the ESOL Procedural Manual.)
Per FL Rule 6A-6.0904 English Language Learners (ELLs) shall be placed in appropriate courses designed to provide ESOL instruction in English and the basic subject areas of mathematics, science, social studies, and computer literacy.
The ELL Committee, which is composed of the principal or designee, an ESOL/language arts teacher, the school counselor, and any other instructional personnel responsible for the instruction of English Language Learners, shall make recommendations concerning the appropriate placement, promotion, and retention of English Language Learners. A parent/legal guardian of any students being reviewed shall be invited to participate in the ELL meetings.
Criteria to be utilized in making appropriate placement decisions include:
- Academic performance and progress of a student based on formal and/or alternative assessments in English and/or the student’s native language.
- Progress, attendance, and retention reports.
- Number of years the student has been enrolled in the ESOL Program.
The St. Johns County School District ESOL Plan may be accessed under English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) on the district website:
Equal Access for English Language Learners
Placement of Immigrant Students Per federal law, all children in the United States are entitled to equal access to a basic public elementary and secondary education regardless of their or their parents’ actual or perceived national origin, citizenship, or immigration status. The school district may not inquire into a student’s immigration status nor keep records or lists pertaining to immigration status. The following process will be followed: 1. Do not ask about a student or their parent’s immigration status. 2. Follow SJCSD enrollment guidelines as for any student. 3. Follow SJCSD documentation of residency policy. 4. Follow SJCSD documented guardianship policy (if necessary). Please note that if the student meets the definition of homeless, per the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the student must be enrolled immediately. Understanding each situation is unique, please contact the Student Services Department to make the best decision for the student.
ESOL Promotion
Promotion of an ELL is based on satisfactory student performance in reading, writing, mathematics, and other requirements as set by the district and the state. ELLs not meeng district promoon criteria due to their limited English proficiency may be recommended for promoon by the intervention Team or its equivalent, which will meet jointly with the ELL Committee. The student’s parent/legal guardian shall be invited to attend.
The other academic progress and benchmark mastery of an ELL in reading, writing and mathematics, and on requirements set forth by the district and the State of Florida, are determined through appropriate modifications to formal and informal assessments and on modifications to instruction provided to the ELL.
ESOL Assessment
Students in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program are commonly referred to as English Language Learners (ELLs). In general, all ELLs participate in the state’s assessment and accountability system with appropriate accommodations per FL Rule 6A-6.09091.
Retention of an ELL is based on unsatisfactory performance in reading, writing and mathematics as determined by the Intervention Team or its equivalent, in conjunction with the ELL Committee. Students cannot be retained based solely on lack of English language proficiency. Also, as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), all ELLs shall be assessed annually in the four domains of reading, writing, listening, and speaking through WIDA ACCESS. Scores are then used to determine their language proficiency level.
For more information on the ESOL Plan, please visit the St Johns County School District ESOL website at
ESOL Student Progress Reporting
ELLs shall receive interims and committee meeting notes can be found on ELLevation.
ESOL Grading and Report Cards
Promotion of an ELL is based on satisfactory student performance in reading, writing, mathematics, and other requirements as set by the district and the state. ELLs not meeting district promotion criteria due to their limited English proficiency may be recommended for promotion by the Intervention Team or its equivalent, which will meet jointly with the ELL Committee. The student’s parent/legal guardian shall be invited to attend. The other academic progress and benchmark mastery of an ELL in reading, writing and mathematics, and on requirements set forth by the district and the State of Florida, are determined through appropriate modifications to formal and informal assessments and on modifications to information provided to the ELL.
ESOL Promotion in Grade 12 1003.433(3) F.S. Rule 6A-1.09422: Establishing Alternative Assessment Graduation Pathways for ESOL Students (
Senate Bill (SB) 1108 (2021) During the 2021 Legislative Session, s. 1003.433(3)(b), Florida Statutes (F.S.), was amended to require that, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, students who have been enrolled in an English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program for less than two school years and have met all requirements for the standard high school diploma except for passage of the grade 10 English Language Arts (ELA) assessment requirement, may meet the grade 10 ELA assessment graduation requirement by “satisfactorily demonstrating grade-level expectations on formative assessments, in accordance with state board rule.”