Report cards provide the student and the student’s parent/legal guardian with an objective evaluation of scholastic achievement with indicators of progress. Report cards shall depict and clearly evaluate the student’s:
- Academic performance in each class or course in grades K through 5 based on examinations as well as other appropriate academic performance items.
- Performance at his or her grade level.
- Conduct and behavior.
- Absences and tardies.
All schools shall use the district’s approved report card as the primary means of reporting student progress. Report cards shall be issued at the end of each grading period on uniform dates as adopted annually on the official school year calendar. Grades shall be issued to all students in attendance. Students transferring into the district after the midpoint of a reporting period may be assigned grades based on records/grades from the sending school.
Students Working on Grade Level in Grades K-5
Report card grades shall clearly reflect the student’s level of achievement. The parent or guardian must be able to assume that students earning satisfactory grades in the general program are achieving within the acceptable range for the grade in which they are enrolled.
Grading Code for Grades K-2:
- M=85-100% Meeting standards
- P=70-84% Progressing toward Standards
- I=69% and lower Improvement Needed
Grading Code for Grades 3-5:
A = 90 -100 Outstanding Progress
B = 80 – 89 Above Average Progress
C = 70 – 79 Average Progress
D = 60 – 69 Lowest Acceptable Progress
F = 0 – 59 Failure
Interim Progress Reports
Interim progress reports shall be issued to all students in grades 1- 5 at the midpoint of each regularly established grading period on uniform dates as adopted annually on the official school calendar. Interim reports may be done via parent/legal guardian conferences as well as through reporting forms and HAC. Students with disabilities must receive a report or parent/legal guardian conference regarding progress toward IEP goals and objectives in accordance with the interim report.
Honor Roll Elementary School
Honor Roll as defined by the St. Johns County School District, is comprised of students who earn the grades of A or B for a particular grading period. Students who earn Honor Roll may receive the St. Johns County School District Honor Roll Card.