
Did you know?

  • Chronic absenteeism means missing 10% or more of school days in a year.
  • Students who are chronically absent are less likely to succeed academically and more likely to drop out of school.

Missing 2 days of school per month from KG-12th Grade
= 108 hours per year
= 11 months
= over 1 school year lost

Parents and Families Should:

  1. Make getting to school on time everyday a high priority in your family.
  2. Talk with your child about the important of school attendance from an early age and the negative effects of too many absences.
  3. When necessary, create a safe space for your child to share what’s keeping them from participating in school on a regular basis.
  4. Have a back-up plan for getting your child to school when there are difficulties with transportation, family illness, or other challenges.
  5. Schedule doctor and other appointments for after-school hours whenever possible.
  6. Monitor students’ school attendance to make sure your child is in class every day.
  7. Contact your child’s school to discuss supports and services that can help your child maintain regular school attendance.

For more information visit our Attendance web page.


  • Self awareness
  • Self Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision Making

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) allows individuals a new way to think about behavior. St. Johns County schools use PBS in an attempt to understand why problem behaviors occur and what the function of these behaviors may be. PBS is designed to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behaviors, and establish positive school cultures through the use of evidence-based strategies and interventions (Florida’s PBS Project, USF). This approach is used at all levels; school-wide, specific educational settings, classrooms, and even with individual students.

For more information visit our Student Code of Conduct.

Character Counts!

In 1998, the St. Johns County School District, along with area businesses, youth organizations and civic groups, selected the national character education program of CHARACTER COUNTS! as a countywide initiative to instill positive character traits in our young people.

For more information visit our Character Counts of St. Johns County website.

© 2024 St. Johns County School District