Residency & Guardianship Policy


In order for a student to enroll in St. Johns County schools, the student’s residence must be in St. Johns County. A student’s residence is his or her current permanent residence of the student, parents or legal guardian(s).  If a minor student’s parents or legal guardians live in separate residences while sharing physical custody under the terms of a court-order or otherwise, the student may attend the school zoned for either residence with appropriate residency documentation.

The location of the student’s residence determines the student’s school zone and the school to which the student will be assigned, unless the student enrolls in another school in accordance with the District’s Assignment, Enrollment and Choice Plan.

Full and Complete Current Residency
A person cannot have more than one permanent residence, and only the student’s current residence as defined above may be used for enrollment purposes.

The Attendance Zone Locator should be used to determine the appropriate zoned school.  Out of Zone Waiver information is also available.

Current students must update residency documentation before transitioning to kindergarten, middle school (6th grade) and high school (9th grade).

Proof of Residency

St. Johns County School District requires detailed proof of residency provided by a parent/guardian or adult student. All documents must be current, valid, and include the residential address used for enrollment. Follow the requirements below that best describes your residency situation.
If you are a Homeowner:
Column A
(ONE from this section)
  • Current mortgage statement
  • Property Deed
  • Signed settlement statement (for new home purchases only; sales/builders contracts not acceptable)
  • Homesteaded property tax statement
Column B
(ONE from this section)
  • Current utility bill**

Any one of the following:

Landline Phone

**For new service, an activation notice may be accepted – must show name, address, start of service date.

Column C
(ONE from this section)
**see note about photo ID
  • Additional utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Cell phone statement
  • Credit card statement
  • Driver’s license with enrolling address**
  • HOA statement
  • Insurance statement (any)
  • Paycheck stub
  • Property tax
  • Vehicle registration

if driver’s license address does not match enrolling address, you must submit photo ID plus one item above, totaling TWO from Column C.

If you are a Renter:
Column A
(ONE from this section)

Current lease which must have both tenant and landlord/ property manager’s signature and contact information.

**If your lease expires during the school year, you must either submit a new/current lease with updated expiration date OR a notarized Verification of Residence signed by the landlord/property manager. Items from Columns B & C must also be submitted for renewals.

Column B
(ONE from this section)
  • Current utility bill**

Any one of the following:

Landline Phone

**For new service, an activation notice may be accepted – must show name, address, start of service date.

***If utilities are included in your rent it must specify in lease and you will need an additional item from Column C.

Column C
(ONE from this section)
**see note about photo ID
  • Additional utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Cell phone statement
  • Credit card statement
  • Driver’s license with enrolling address**
  • HOA statement
  • Insurance statement (any)
  • Paycheck stub
  • Property tax
  • Vehicle registration

if driver’s license address does not match enrolling address, you must submit photo ID plus one item above, totaling TWO from Column C.

If you are Living with a person who owns their home/shared residency:
(Do Not Have A Lease Or Proof Of Ownership in Parent/Guardian Name):
(ONE from this section + Column D below)
  • Current mortgage statement
  • Property Deed
  • Signed settlement statement (for new home purchases only; sales/builders contracts not acceptable)
  • Homestead property tax statement
(ONE from this section)
  • Current utility bill**

Any one of the following:

Landline Phone

**For new service, an activation notice may be accepted – must show name, address, start of service date.

(ONE from this section)
**see note about photo ID
  • Additional utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Cell phone statement
  • Credit card statement
  • Driver’s license with enrolling address**
  • HOA statement
  • Insurance statement (any)
  • Paycheck stub
  • Property tax
  • Vehicle registration

if driver’s license address does not match enrolling address, you must submit photo ID plus one item above, totaling TWO from Column C.

If you are Living with a person who is a renter:
(ONE from this section + Column D below)

Current lease which must have both tenant and landlord/ property manager’s signature and contact information.

**If your lease expires during the school year, you must either submit a new/current lease with updated expiration date OR a notarized Verification of Residence signed by the landlord/property manager. Items from Columns B & C must also be submitted for renewals.

(ONE from this section)
  • Current utility bill**

Any one of the following:

Landline Phone

**For new service, an activation notice may be accepted – must show name, address, start of service date.

***If utilities are included in your rent it must specify in lease and you will need an additional item from Column C.

(ONE from this section)
**see note about photo ID
  • Additional utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Cell phone statement
  • Credit card statement
  • Driver’s license with enrolling address**
  • HOA statement
  • Insurance statement (any)
  • Paycheck stub
  • Property tax
  • Vehicle registration

if driver’s license address does not match enrolling address, you must submit photo ID plus one item above, totaling TWO from Column C.

Change of Residence

A student and his/her parents cannot occupy a residence at more than one address, and only the student’s current residence may be used for enrollment purposes.

If the student’s permanent residence changes, notification and updated documentation must be provided to the school within 10 school days.

Following a move, the following items are evidence that the move is full and complete and a new residence has been established:

(a) The former residence is not occupied for any purpose at any time by the student or any of the persons with whom the student has been living; and
(b) All personal belongings are moved from the former residence; and
(c) Mail is received at the new residence; and
(d) All utilities are transferred to the new residence

Residency Fraud

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are committing residency fraud if they submit an address during the enrollment process that is not their true residence.

If there is reasonable suspicion that the student is not residing at the claimed address, the following procedures may be implemented at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.

  • A letter may be sent to parent(s) who have conflicting address information requesting that the parent verify and update enrollment information. This may be followed by a phone conversation or home visit.
  • The school staff may examine the Property Appraiser’s website to determine the parent’s homestead (permanent residence) location. The homestead address of the parent will be used as a factor to determine the student’s zoned school. A conflicting address indicates that further investigation is required.

If it is determined that the student is attending a school outside of their zone, the student shall be withdrawn by the school and must be registered and enrolled in the appropriate zoned school.

In all cases the Superintendent or designee reserves the right to make an independent investigation and to make the final determination as to the residence of a student.


Pursuant to School Board Rule 5.05(1)(e), when a student resides with a person who is not the student’s parent seeks to enroll in school, the student shall present a court order appointing the person with whom they reside as either their legal guardian or legal custodian or shall present other proper documentation from a state or federal agency placing the child with the person with whom they reside.


Homeless children shall have access to a free public education in St. Johns County schools and will be admitted to a school in accordance with School Board Rule 4.18, based on the McKinney-Vento Act governing education of homeless students.

Dependence or Delinquency

Students who have been adjudicated to be dependent or delinquent pursuant to Chapter 39, Florida Statutes, shall be assigned by the Superintendent to the school best meeting the special needs of the student in consultation with the Department of Children and Family Services or such other agency or person having responsibility for the student’s welfare.

© 2025 St. Johns County School District