How to Enroll Your Child in School

All students must register at their home-zoned school. The school district Attendance Zone Locator will identify the correct school.

Requirements for Children to Begin School

1. Grade Placement (Florida State Statute 1003.21) 

  • Voluntary Pre-K: A child must be four years old on or before September 1st.
  • Kindergarten: A child must be five years old on or before September 1st.
  • First Grade: A child must be six years old on or before September 1st AND satisfy one of the following:

    a) Satisfactory completion of kindergarten in a Florida public school.
    b) Satisfactory completion of kindergarten in a non-public school.
    c) Previous attendance in an out-of-state school in which the student was admitted on the basis of age requirements established by the state of residency.

2. Proof of Residency

  • Certain documents will be required to prove residency. A complete detail of these requirements can all be found in our Residency Process.
  • Current students must update residency documentation before transitioning to kindergarten, middle (6th grade) and high school (9th grade).
    Students with expired residency (e.g. expired lease) will be required to provide updated residency documents.

3. Proof of Immunization

4. Other

  • Copy of Birth Certificate (If a birth certificate is not available, please refer to 1003.21, FS for other acceptable documentation.)
  • Proof of Guardianship (if applicable)
  • Physical/Health Examination (dated within 12 months of the student’s enrollment date – can be from out of state) that meets the Florida Department of Health Requirements.
    Sports physicals will not be accepted for first time enrollment physical/health examination.
  • Social Security Number (optional)
  • Academic Records (for students previous enrolled in another school)

For additional Information regarding immunizations, please contact:
Florida Department of Health – St. Johns County
200 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Your local St. Johns County Health Department provides free pediatric immunizations.
View the St. Johns County Health Department website.

For additional information regarding any health issue for school enrollment, please visit our School Health Services Department website.

Although we will request the records from the previous school, placement may be expedited if you have:

  • Most recent report card
  • Unofficial transcripts or grades
  • Most recent test scores (mandatory prior to registration for Honors or Dual Enrollment classes)

Grade level placement at time of enrollment should be based on the last grade completed by the student.  Schools may adjust a student’s grade level and schedule once official school records have been received.

2024-2025 School Registration Forms

When completing the registration forms, it is recommended that you use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Please be sure to double check the school year at the top of the form to ensure you are completing the correct form. You will receive an email confirmation once the form is successfully submitted.

You must upload ALL required documents in order to submit your enrollment application.  You may save and exit at any time and return later to complete the form.  See Residency Requirements for more details.

Only open to students who will be under the age of 4 on September 1, 2024

Pre-K Students

Please contact your zoned school or requested VPK site  prior to March 1st to inquire about VPK availability.  

Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024


If your child is currently enrolled in one of our SJCSD PUBLIC schools for VPK, please do NOT complete this form. You will complete the Returning Student Verification Form which will be sent out the week of April 15, 2024. If your child is currently attending a public VPK program in St. Johns County School District, they will automatically be enrolled in kindergarten at their zoned school. View a list of SJCSD public VPK sites.

Please use this form ONLY if:

  • Your child is NOT currently enrolled in a St. Johns County School District Public School AND was previously enrolled at ANY time in a SJCSD public school AND is re-enrolling for the 2024/2025 School year.


  • Your child is currently enrolled with St. Johns County as a full time HOME EDUCATION student, has previously attended a SJCSD public school at ANY time prior to enrolling in home education, and will be attending his/her zoned school for the 2024/2025 school year. If your child is a current home ed student and you need to provide his/her Home Education Annual Evaluation or you have additional home ed questions, please contact the Home Education department at 904-547-7579.

If your child is currently enrolled in a SJCSD Public School and you are updating your address for the 2024-2025 school year OR your child is currently enrolled as a FULL time St. Johns Virtual School student and will be returning to his/her zoned school for the 2024-2025 school year, please DO NOT USE THIS FORM.

Currently enrolled students will receive the Returning Student Verification (RSV) form beginning the week of April 15, 2024. Through the RSV process, you can update your address to a new address in SJC or indicate that your full time SJVS student will be returning to his/her zoned school for the 24/25 school year.

If the above scenarios do not apply to you or if you have additional questions, please contact us before starting this form.

All students must register at their home-zoned school. The school district’s Attendance Zone Locator will identify the correct school. For more information, please view the Requirements for Children to Begin School.

If you have questions regarding enrollment, please email us or call 904-547-7622.

© 2025 St. Johns County School District