Hospitalized or Homebound

Hospital Homebound Instruction

About Hospital Homebound

Hospital Homebound instruction is a temporary intervention and is not intended to replace the classroom experience.  Services are limited when compared to a comprehensive school campus.  The primary goal is to minimize instructional gaps and cover the standards taught in the course by providing access to curriculum while the student is medically confined and to promote re-entry into a traditional school setting.

Who do we serve?

We serve students who have a medically diagnosed condition which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness, or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting medical problem that confines the student to the home or hospital and restricts activities for an extended period of time.  The medical diagnosis shall be made by a licensed physician.

Eligibility and Instructional Services

Hospital Homebound eligibility and services are determined by an individualized education (IEP) team.  The team consists of the parent/guardian, the ESE Hospital Homebound Program Specialist, or designee, and the student’s zoned school Exceptional Student Education (ESE) team.

Online coursework is offered through St Johns Virtual School (SJVS).  In addition, if determined appropriate by the IEP team, in-home teachers may be available.

Please get in touch with the Assistant Principal, Multi-Tiered System of Supports contact, at your child’s zoned school if you suspect that Hospital Homebound Instruction is needed.

Hospital Homebound Referral Process

Any St Johns County student can be recommended for Hospital Homebound services, if the student meets the requirements outlined in the state board rule (see link below) and after the zoned-school staff have exhausted appropriate school-based resources through the MTSS problem-solving team.

For a child to be eligible for specially designed instruction under this law for the Hospital Homebound program, the student must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. A licensed physician must certify that the student:
    1. Is expected to be absent from school due to a physical or psychiatric condition for at least fifteen (15) consecutive school days, or the equivalent on a clock schedule, which need not run consecutively
    2. Is confined to home or hospital
    3. Will be able to participate in and benefit from an instruction program
    4. Is under medical care for illness or injury that is acute or chronic in nature
    5. Can receive instructional services without endangering the health and safety of the instructor or other students with whom the instructor may come in contact
  2. The student is enrolled in public school, in kindergarten through twelfth grade, prior to the referral for homebound or hospitalized services, unless the student meets criteria for eligibility under rules related to exceptional student education.
  3. The parent, guardian, or primary caregiver signs a parental agreement concerning homebound or hospitalized policies and parent cooperation. Rule 6A-6.03020 (6). FAC., requires the individual educational plan to be developed or revised prior to assignment to the homebound or hospitalization program placement.

Guidance for School Staff

If a student is found eligible for Hospital Homebound, collaboration between Hospital Homebound office and the school staff is critical to the student’s success.  Please review the resources provided on Inside SJCSD for detailed information regarding the referral process and eligibility.

It is very important for school staff to understand that Hospital Homebound is providing a service to student(s) enrolled at your school.  As a result, school staff should continue to ensure the students’ success as they would for all other students.



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