Social Service Agencies

Alpha-Omega Miracle Home
Shelter, support and hope for homeless women and children.
(904) 823-8588

American Red Cross, Northeast Florida Chapter                
Disaster assistance and preparedness, emergency services, health and safety training.
(904) 358-8091

Betty Griffin Center
Emergency shelter and housing and outreach services for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault and their families.
(904) 824-1555

Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Johns County
Positive mentoring and support for children.
(904) 829-9986

Boys & Girls Club
Inspiring and enabling young people to realize their full potential.
(904) 825-1975

Catholic Charities
Emergency assistance with rent/mortgage, utility bills and food.
(904) 829-6300

Children’s Home Society
Child welfare, counseling, adoption, case management, foster care, Early Head Start, Community Partnership Schools.                                 
(904) 493-7744

Community Hospice & Palliative Care
Grief and loss services for those who have experienced the death of a loved one, including individual and family counseling, support groups and children retreats.
(904) 268-5200

Department of Children & Families
Protecting the vulnerable, promoting strong and self-sufficient families, and advancing personal and family recovery and resiliency.
(904) 723-2000

Early Learning Coalition
Coordinates services that allow children to enter kindergarten healthy and ready to learn.
(904) 342-2267

Emergency Services & Homeless Coalition
Helping homeless families become self-sufficient.
(904) 819-0059

EPIC Behavioral Health
Assisting individuals and families impacted by drugs and alcohol, mental health disorders, and related problem behaviors.  
(904) 829-2273

Hastings Resource Center
Open Tuesdays-Thursdays only. Rent and utility assistance for those in crisis.
(904) 209-6156

Home Again St. Johns
Wrap around services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
(904) 687-6043

Northeast Florida Community Action Agency
Helping vulnerable, low-income families stabilize and achieve self-sufficiency.
(904) 824-0978

St. Augustine Youth Services
Residential group home for boys ages 6-17, Transitional Life Coach program for youth ages 16-21, Mobile Crisis Response Team, and Target Case Management to assist children and their families in navigating behavioral health services.
(904) 829-1770

St. Francis House
Emergency shelter, basic needs and case management for individuals and families.
(904) 829-8937

St. Gerard Campus
Assistance for pregnant teenagers and unwed mothers – medical care, educational needs and/or job services.
(904) 829-5516

St. Johns Care Connect
A community alliance established to connect residents in need with available services in a coordinated way throughout all of St. Johns County.
(904) 819-3070

St. Johns County Health & Human Services
Social support and assistance to needy community members. Divisions include Family Integrity Program, Social Services, Housing and Community Development, and the Health Department.
(904) 209-0655

St. Johns County Legal Aid
Legal assistance for low income and special needs groups.
(904) 827-9921

St. Vincent de Paul
Provides assistance with rent and utilities, clothing, household items and furniture.
(904) 217-8097

The Salvation Army
Providing food, clothing and countless services to those in need.
(904) 824-6956

SMA Behavioral Healthcare
Comprehensive services to individuals and families living with addiction, mental illness, or both.
(904) 539-4228

Sunshine Bus Company
St. Johns County’s public transit system.
(904) 209-3716

United Way of St. Johns County
Building blocks for a good life: Improving Education, Financial Stability and Health.
(904) 829-9721

Youth Crisis Center
Short term crisis care, mental health counseling, skills-based group training, and transitional living services program for children, teens, young adults and their families.
(904) 725-6662

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