Administration of Medication During School Hours

Florida Statute 1006.062, as well as St. Johns County School Board Rule 5.15, authorizes school personnel to assist the student in the administration of prescription medications.  Parents/Guardians are encouraged to administer medications at home prior to or after school hours.

Florida Statue 1006.062 – Administration of medication and provision of medical services by district school board personnel

School Board Rule 5.15 – Administration of Medication During School Hours


Parent/Guardian Medication Policy Guidelines and Authorization Form

If medication is necessary during the school day, there are guidelines that must be followed to keep your student safe.  Please click below to read the guidelines for parents/guardians.  An authorization form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian to assist in the administration of medication/treatment.

Medication Policy Guidelines

Authorization to Assist in the Administration of Medication Treatment

Asthmatic Students:  Possession of Inhalers – Florida Statute 1002.20(3)(h)

Florida law states that an asthmatic student may carry a prescribed metered dose inhaler on his/her person while in school with approval from his/her parent and physician.  Parents must download and complete the section on the authorization form listed above before a student may carry and self-administer his/her metered dose inhaler.

Permission for Student to Self-Administer Non-Prescription Medication

School Board Policy 5.15 – Administration of Medication during school hours, states that “all prescription and non-prescription medication administered by the school at the elementary, middle and high school level must be directed by a physician who has determined that a student’s health and well-being requires medication during school hours.  All non-prescription medication in the possession of students at the middle and high school, not administered by the school, requires written permission from the parent to the school.”

Parent Permission for Student to Self-Administer Non-Prescription Medication

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