Department Contacts
Dawn Sapp
Associate Superintendent
(904) 547-6029
Executive Secretary
(904) 547-6030
Department Fax Number
(904) 547-6005
Student Progression Plan
The St. Johns County School District Student Progression Plan is a contract delineating what a student must know and be able to do to be promoted and what the district will do to help the student meet the requirements for promotion.
Comprehensive Reading Plan
All Florida school districts are required to develop a K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan in order to receive funds for reading through the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP).
Course Catalogs
Our Middle and High School Course Catalogs provide complete lists of all school courses, along with brief descriptions of each course. During the academic year, schools, through petition to the Curriculum Services Department, may add courses. Once approved, the courses are included in the online version of the catalogs.
Helping your Child Succeed on the Florida Standards Assessment
Information presented during the FSA nights at Mill Creek Elementary, Ketterlinus Elementary, Valley Ridge Academy and Palencia Elementary.