School Services Department

The School Services Department is tasked with overseeing Student Discipline for Grades K – 12, Student Assignments to the Gaines Alternative School, and the Process for Expulsions. The School Services Director is also the Liaison between our schools and our local law enforcement agencies. Additionally, the School Services Department oversees Hardship Out of Zone Waivers, Athletics, Student Transitioning, and School Safety.

Student discipline is developed through a collaborative process that begins at home, and flows into the path of a student’s day. This includes behavior on school buses, school properties, during extra-curricular activities on and off our campuses, and field trips. School personnel and administrators supervise your student’s behavior throughout the school day, and enforce the St Johns County School District’s Student Code of Conduct. Concerns regarding assigned discipline measures should first be addressed to the administration at your student’s school. If concerns remain after speaking to your student’s administrator, parents are invited to contact the School Services Office at (904) 547-7724.

Office of School Services

David Simpkins
Director for School Services
email: [email protected]

Carlyn Whitty
Executive Secretary
email: [email protected]

Jessica Allee
email: [email protected]

Holly Cromwell
School Social Worker
email: [email protected]

Richard Church
Threat Management Coordinator/
Department of Juvenile Justice Support Coordinator
email: [email protected]

Darrell Sutherland
School Social Worker Bullying/Harassment Prevention 
email: [email protected]

© 2025 St. Johns County School District