Early Childhood Services is actively involved with community partnerships, family engagement and parent involvement. Events and activities are provided during the school year at various locations throughout the district.
Parent Café
Monthly meetings are offered at Early Childhood Services @ First Coast Technical College and South Woods Elementary to provide parents with multiple opportunities to collaborate with other parents and families along with Early Childhood Services staff. Parent education opportunities are to improve parenting skills. These workshops enhance and strengthen the home – school connection.
Monday Funday
Scheduled Mondays, the Early Childhood Services Department offers Family Engagement opportunities to families throughout the school district. Early Childhood Services staff work with parents to provide a variety of fun and engaging activities for families.
The activities focus on Literacy, Community Partnerships and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math). These nights provide specific activities and ideas for parents to implement at home with their children. Activities are designed for young children, ages 3-5 and parent participation is encouraged.
Literacy Night is an evening based on storytelling and reading aloud to children. Children can participate in several activities from the stories that evening.
Community Partners includes members of our community partnering with Early Childhood Services for a fun interactive night.
Yoga and Conscious Discipline is an evening filled with kids yoga activities as well as parent education regarding Conscious Discipline. Children learn different yoga moves and poses along with breathing and relaxation techniques. While the children participate in yoga, parents can engage in parent workshops on successful parenting strategies to use at home.
STEAM involves science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Children and parents explore a variety of hands-on experiments related to a specific theme, whether it is learning about the ocean or working with magnetics, everyone will have fun.
Seasonal Family Events
In addition to hosting Monday Funday activities throughout the school year, Early Childhood Services hosts seasonal family events, providing families with interactive experiences through which staff along with families and their children build positive and goal-oriented relationships. Schools and programs that reach out to families and the community, build strong parent-school relationships and have a positive impact on students.
Back to School and End of Summer Ice Cream Socials: Each July, Early Childhood Services hosts an ice cream social for all incoming pre-K students and families, where they are introduced to the program. Families learn about activities, trainings and special events offered during the school year. Also, staff provides families with activities geared to help prepare them for the upcoming school year. Upon completion of each activity, students and families are treated with a visit from the neighborhood ice cream truck.
Harvest Festival: Families are invited to the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park to participate in Fall Family Fun including pumpkin decorating, face painting, fall-themed arts and crafts and costume parade. Families will also have access to the 15-acre park and exhibits.
Holiday Feast: Early Childhood Services hosts an annual holiday feast for pre-K students and families. Turkeys are donated and prepared by a community partner. Side dishes are provided by staff, families and community members, which provides a perfect opportunity to help strengthen relationships.
Holiday Night of Lights Trolley Ride: Community partner, Old Town Trolley, provides a trolley tour of the Night of Lights for all pre-K families. Shared experiences help promote positive parent-child relationships by allowing parents to spend time and have fun with their children.
Spring Fling: Prior to Spring Break, pre-K families and Early Childhood Services enjoy a picnic cookout together. Parents who have positive connections to other families, friends and the community are more likely to have their basic needs met.
End of Year Celebration: Pre-K families join Early Childhood Services at our community partner Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park for an end-of-the-year celebration. This special event is a culmination of the entire school year, reinforcing both family engagement and positive parent relationship skills. Families are provided with activities and ideas to continue during the summer months to further enhance their child’s school readiness for the new school year.