Q & A for St. Johns Virtual School

What Is St. Johns Virtual School?

The vision of SJVS is to be leaders in innovative teaching through online and blended learning programs that use best practices to promote academic excellence in a student-centered environment while serving the District of St. Johns County.

Our Mission is to ensure all students are provided with an academically rich and rigorous education through online learning opportunities that meet the needs of today’s diverse learners.

What is SJVS?
St. Johns Virtual School is an online school of choice offered by the St. Johns County School District for grades k-12. We offer part time and full time enrollment.

What type of student would thrive in an online environment?
Students must be self-disciplined in their work habits, enjoy academic rigor, and have a growth mindset.

Part Time Options
Students are able to take SJVS courses during the school day in a lab at their school of attendance or after school as an additional course. If you are looking to have your child take a SJVS course during the school day, please work with your child’s guidance counselor for placement.

Full Time Options
St. Johns Virtual School is a district school of choice meaning students must apply and be accepted. Acceptance is based on prior student grades, test scores, and student attendance.
The rationale for our selective process is based on the premise that if a student is not successful in the Full Time program or chooses to withdraw, a student can severely disrupt their graduation timeline.
Enrollment windows will open in April of each year. A second enrollment window, for second semester, will open in late November/early December.

Virtual Provider Options

Grades K-5
Middle School
Grades 6-8
High School
Grades 9-12
*St. Johns
Virtual School (FLVS Franchise)
K12, Inc. http://www.k12.com
Pearson/Connections https://www.pearson.com/us/prek-12/products-services-teaching/online-blended-learning-solutions/connections-learning.html
APEX https://www.apexlearning.com/

*We encourage students to register with St. Johns Virtual School so that they may have the advantage of working with local St. Johns County School District teachers.

Questions and Answers

How is SJVS different from the Florida Virtual School (FLVS)?
SJVS is a franchise of FLVS. We use their curriculum, but instruction is provided by St. Johns County teachers.

Can my SJVS student still participate in public school sports?
Yes. SJVS students are eligible to participate in sports at their zoned public school. You must notify the school of your intention to participate in sports BEFORE the beginning of the athletic season in which you wish to participate.

Can I participate in other activities at the public school like clubs, band, etc.?
Maybe. If you are registered as an SJVS student with the district, you may submit a request in writing to the principal of your zoned school requesting permission to participate in an activity at that school.

Can I monitor my student’s progress online?
St. Johns Virtual requires all parents to open and maintain a guardian account. Through this effective communication tool, parents will know almost as much as the teacher about their student’s progress.

How do I sign up for St. Johns Virtual if my student is currently in FLVS?
Your student should complete the current course in which he or she is enrolled and then when the time comes to select a new course, simply visit the SJVS website to complete the application process.

Is there any counseling on course requirements available to St. Johns Virtual students?
Yes, we are staffed with our own guidance counselor.  We encourage you to make an appointment with us so we can “begin with the end in mind”.

Can students receive a high school diploma through St. Johns Virtual?
All part and full time SJVS courses are accredited. Eligible students who enter the full time virtual instruction program can receive a diploma from a St. Johns County School if they complete all graduation requirements.

Can my student be enrolled part-time in St. Johns Virtual and part-time in regular high school?
Yes, if a student makes these arrangements with the zoned public school before the beginning of the school year.


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