Frequently Asked Questions about Background Screening

1. After being fingerprinted, how long will it take for a decision to be made?

Answer: It will take approximately five (5) working days.

2. How long will the clearance be good?

Answer: Clearance will be good for five (5) years. After five years, a new fingerprint submission will be required.

3. What does it cost to be fingerprinted and screened?

Answer: The non-refundable fee for fingerprinting and badge is $96.25

4. What level of screening is required for Contractors?

Answer: State badge clearance is required for contractors who are not anticipated to come into contact with students. Contractors who are anticipated to come into direct contact with students are required to undergo the more stringent screening required by School Board Rule 7.142.

5. Can a vendor’s employee under the age of 18 be fingerprinted?

Answer: Yes, Section 1012.465 F.S. does not contain an age limitation for background check requirements.

6. Do athletic officials have to be fingerprinted and cleared?

Answer: No.

7. Will vendors who drop off shipped goods to a school or deliver through UPS, Federal Express, or other delivery services have to be fingerprinted and cleared?

Answer: No, there is a statutory exemption for delivery drivers.

8. Will Contractors who work outside the building on the school grounds, such as lawn maintenance crews, have to be fingerprinted and cleared?

Answer: Yes, they all have to be fingerprinted and cleared. As students may be on campus from 6:00 a.m. until midnight, such contractors are anticipated to come into contact with students.

9. What happens if a consultant is coming from out of town?

Answer: Special accommodations may be made prior to the arrival for out of town consultants to be cleared by St. Johns County School District administrative offices. Clearance is not required when a contractor works in the presence of a District employee.

10. Will contractors who fix District copy machines have to be fingerprinted and cleared?

Answer: Yes.

11. Will contractors who provide services to extended day programs have to be fingerprinted?

Answer: Yes.

12. Will contractors, sub-contractors, and other vendors working in designated construction areas (except behind fences) on a school campus have to be fingerprinted and cleared?

Answer: Yes, they all have to be fingerprinted and cleared. As students may be on campus from 6:00 a.m. until midnight, such contractors are anticipated to come into contact with students.

13. Is there a statewide database available to assist school districts with vendor printing so vendors will not be required to be printed in multiple districts?

Answer: Yes. The statewide database, Florida School Shared Results (FSSR) was created by FDLE to assist school districts with screening vendors who were fingerprinted by another school district. Records that were created on or after July 1, 2007 with an indicator designating them as vendors will be available for screening.

14. Will contractors cleared by other school districts also have to be cleared by the St. Johns County School District?

Answer: Type A contractors who have been issued a statewide badge and are not anticipated to come into contact with students are not required to also be cleared by the St. Johns County School District. However, if such a contractor is anticipated to come into contact with students, clearance by the District will be required in accordance with School Board Rule 7.142.

15. How will the districts monitor who has been printed and cleared and who should be allowed on campus?

Answer: A district database is housed on “KeepnTrack” through the district intranet system. The key for the monitoring program is to ensure that, once printed, an individual returning to work at the district is the same individual who was fingerprinted. This will be done through photo ID with date of birth included and must be checked at each site the vendor’s employee accesses.

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