Mr. Player
Director Human Resources – Non-Instructional Personnel
Focused on attracting, recruiting, supporting and retaining the best employees within all our schools and cost centers. Maintain a high level of service for all district employees, schools and cost centers. Build collaborative relationships with school/department leaders and employees so they can succeed in their daily efforts and short/long term goals.
Assist Principals, Department directors, supervisors or managers in employment issues and matters relating to all non-instructional personnel. Aid in the coordination, evaluation and revision of non-instructional personnel processes as needed.
Ms. Murrell
Executive Secretary for Instructional & Non-Instructional Personnel
Assists the Director of Human Resources – Instructional Personnel and the Director of Human Resources – Non-Instructional Personnel with all assigned duties.
Ms. Biggers
Employee Specialist
New employee set-up and assistance for various schools as well as the District Administration Offices, ESE Department, Intervention Services and the Maintenance Department. Responsible for verifying new hire verification of experience forms; new employee orientation and sick leave. Responsible for payroll memos to include new employee information; salary changes; re-classifications; resignations/retirements; payouts; leaves and transfers for semi-monthly full and part time payrolls. Verifies completeness and accuracy of assigned salaries; completes other tasks as assigned by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and the Director of Human Resources.
Designated Schools/Departments: Career Technology and Education, Charter Schools, Chief of Staff, Community Relations, County Administration, Crookshank Elementary School, Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum and Learning, District Federal Programs, First Coast Technical College (FCTC), Gamble Rogers Middle School, Guidance and Choice, Head Start/Early Childhood Services, Health Services, Human Resources, Innovation and Equity, Instructional Services, Instructional Services Elementary, Intervention Services, Life Work/Project Search, Maintenance Department, Murray Middle School, Nease High School, Ocean Palms Elementary School, Osceola Elementary School, Pedro Menendez High School, Professional Development, Pupil Services Center, PVPV-Rawlings Elementary School, School Board, School Services, St. Johns Technical High School, St. Johns Virtual Instruction Program, Student Support, Tocoi Creek High School, The Webster School, Virtual School, Wards Creek Elementary School, Gaines Alternative and Transition Schools.
Ms. VanderMark
Employee Specialist
New employee set-up and assistance for various schools and the Transportation Department. Responsible for verifying new hire verification of experience forms; new employee orientation and sick leave. Responsible for payroll memos to include new employee information; salary changes; re-classifications; resignations/retirements; payouts; leaves and transfers for semi-monthly full and part time payrolls. Verifies completeness and accuracy of assigned salaries; completes other tasks as assigned by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and the Director of Human Resources.
Designated School/Departments: Accountability and Intervention Services, Accounting and Payroll, Budget, Business and Fiscal Services, Central Services, Cunningham Creek Elementary, County Administration, Durbin Creek Elementary, Facilities New Construction, Facilities Planning/Operation, Food Services, Fruit Cove Middle School, Hickory Pines Elementary School, Julington Creek Elementary School, Landrum Middle School, Learning Resource Center, Liberty Pines Academy, Pine Island Academy, Planning and Accountability, Ponte Vedra High School, R. B. Hunt Elementary School, RSVP, School Operations, Sebastian Middle School, South Woods Elementary School, St. Augustine High School, Transportation.
Ms. Liedtke
Employee Specialist
New employee set-up and assistance for various schools as well as the IT Department. Responsible for verifying new hire verification of experience forms; new employee orientation and sick leave. Responsible for payroll memos to include new employee information; salary changes; re-classifications; resignations/retirements; payouts; leaves and transfers for semi-monthly full and part time payrolls. Verifies completeness and accuracy of assigned salaries; completes other tasks as assigned by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and the Director of Human Resources.
Designated School/Departments: Bartram Trail High School, Creekside High School, Freedom Crossing Academy, Information Technology, Ketterlinus Elementary School, Mill Creek Elementary School, Pacetti Bay Middle School, Palencia Elementary School, Palm Valley Academy, Patriot Oaks Academy, Switzerland Point Middle School, Timberlin Creek Elementary School, Valley Ridge Academy, W. D. Hartley Elementary School.
Ms. Connors
Employee Specialist Apprentice
Assists with new employee set-up at select school sites and district departments, verifying new hire verification of experience forms and leave requests, generating payroll memos to include new employee information; salary changes; re-classifications; resignations/retirements; payouts; leaves and transfers for semi-monthly full and part time payrolls, and verifying completeness and accuracy of assigned salaries; completes other tasks as assigned by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and the Director of Human Resources.
Designated schools/Departments: Picolata Crossing Elementary School, Otis A Mason Elementary School, and ESE Department.
Ms. Parry
Assistant Employee Specialist
Assists Employee Specialists with processing and maintaining accurate employee data for all employees assigned to schools or departments, processes new and existing employee documentation, assists with orienting new employees, issues requests for verification of experience (VOE), assists with pre-employment scheduling and processing, assists with employee transcript information, processes and tracks FMLA paperwork/District Exit surveys, assists with District retiree matters, manages check deposits for certification renewals and add-ons, assists with coaching certificates and the District substitute system. Please note: All “Banking” and “DCF”
Verification of Employment matters, and letters for verification of employment
with the St. Johns County School District should be directed to the Business
& Fiscal Services Dept. at 904-547-7650 or fax number