The SJCSD Information Technology Department is overseen by our Chief Information Officer, Bruce Patrou. The department is comprised of four divisions, which include:
- Network Services
- Technology Support
- Business Information Systems
- Student Information Systems
We are located at the Fullerwood Learning Resource Center, just a few miles north of the main Administrative Complex at Orange Street.
The SJCSD Main phone number is (904) 547-7500
Employees can get more information by visiting Inside SJCSD.
District Technology Plan 2022-2024
The District’s Strategic Plan
The District’s 5-year Strategic Plan provides a long-range plan to guide future improvement efforts and identify funding. The District’s Strategic Plan for 2016-2022 aligns with the vision, mission and core beliefs of St. Johns County School District and is focused on five overarching goals supported in five strategy areas; Academic and Student Services, Operations, Community Relations, Human Resources and Superintendent and School Board. Within each strategy, there are 1-year strategies or objectives called tactical plans. These tactical plans are developed, and Board approved each year to fulfill the five strategic areas. It is within these tactical plans where you can find technology related goals that support network infrastructure upgrades, classroom technology upgrades and other technology projects.
View the St. Johns County School District Technology Plan 2022-2024 (Board Approved March 8, 2022)