Associate Superintendent of Human Resources

Wayne King
Associate Superintendent of Human Resources
(904) 547-7697

Assigned the overall responsibility for the directing of all functions of the Human Resources Department including, but not limited to the following:

Oversees the process of recruitment, selection and placement for administrative personnel; oversees the process for recruitment and placement of instructional and support personnel within the position control allotments and fiscal budget; is the liaison for the Department of Education, Office of Professional Practices, in dealing with issues related to certified teachers; directs the handling of support employee issues; is the liaison for the Employee Assistance Program; is the Chair for the Sick Leave Bank Committee, Race to the Top Committee, Race to the Top Communication Committee, and Master Calendar Committee; serves on both the SJEA and SJESPA administrative negotiating teams; oversees the development and process for principal and teacher evaluation system under SB 736; oversees the process of certification for all instructional personnel and adjunct coaches; oversees the development of job descriptions for all areas of employees and maintains the current District organizational charts; oversees employee’s benefits as provided through employment with the District.

Carrie Baidas
Administrative Assistant to the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources
(904) 547-7600

Assists the Associate Superintendent with all associated duties of the Human Resources Department.

Kara Masson
HR Clerk
(904) 547-7758

Processes District I.D. badges. Oversees transcript process. Assists with Fingerprint/Pre-employment. Provides new hire packets. handles customer inquiries and follow up

Kathy Hansburry
HR Clerk
(904) 547-7518

Assist applicants with AppliTrack (online application system) questions/issues. Maintain statistical data.

File Room Clerk
(904) 547-7619

Digital records custodian for St. Johns County School District employee personnel files, prepare digital file review for supervisiors, auditors, and Personnel Specialists. Also acts as a point of contact for public records request, functions as a back-up to the Application Specialist. Tracks evaluation data and provides required evaluation information to the Coordinator Human Resources Employee Evaluations.

Administrative Clerk
(904) 547-7500

Process verification of employment, family medical leave and facility requests.

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