Join the CHARACTER COUNTS! Steering Committee for its 12th Annual CHARACTER COUNTS! 6K/3K Run/Walk on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 9 a.m. The run/walk will begin and end at Palencia Elementary School, located at 355 Palencia Village Drive, St. Augustine.

Walkers and runners will enjoy a course running through the neighborhoods of Kensington and Las Calinas and can choose to participate in the 6K (3.73 miles) or 3K (1.86 miles) distance.

Registration fees are as follows:

6K Walk/Run
$30 before January 1
$35 January 1 – 31
$40 on race day

3K Walk/Run
$30 before January 1
$35 January 1 – 31
$40 on race day

Register by December 31, 2024, to receive a race t-shirt and other give-aways from sponsoring businesses and community organizations!

Registration forms and more information are available online.

Race proceeds support CHARACTER COUNTS! initiatives throughout the St. Johns County School District (SJCSD). The run/walk is open to all ages, and the top three winners will be awarded in each of the age categories as well as the overall male and female finishers. A cash donation will be awarded to the schools with the most registrants. At the finish line, each race participant will receive a finisher’s medal.

This event is produced by the CHARACTER COUNTS! Steering Committee and is presented by Beaver Toyota with support from businesses and community groups. Action News Jax CBS47/FOX30 is the official media sponsor.

The SJCSD, along with area businesses, youth organizations and civic groups, selected the national character education program of CHARACTER COUNTS! as a countywide initiative to instill positive character traits in young people throughout the county. Additionally, the SJCSD became the first school district in Florida to implement Pursuing Victory With Honor in all of its athletic programs. Character education is an important part of every School Improvement Plan and a major component of the Student Code of Conduct and the school district’s Strategic Plan.

Visit RunSignUp.com to learn more and register.