Title III

What are Title III Services?

Title III is a federal entitlement through ESSA that focuses on supplemental services for English Learners (EL) and recently arrived immigrants. The purpose of Title III funding is to provide student support for language acquisition and student achievement. In Florida these funds are used to supplement the required resources as defined by the Florida Consent Decree.  Students in the ESOL program are required to meet the same curriculum standards as non-ELLs in English/Language Arts and content area instruction. The content of the curriculum is established by the Sunshine State Standards. ESOL strategies, supplementary materials, and native language assistance are used to ensure that comprehensible instruction is being provided to every ELL.

The St. Johns County School District utilizes Title III funds to aid in English language acquisition and academic achievement. Currently, Title III funds are used for the following:

  • Professional Learning
  • Supplemental materials and equipment specifically for ELL student use
  • Itinerant ESOL teachers
  • ELL Paraeducators
  • Digital Licenses to enhance ESOL instruction
  • COMPEL collaborative program with Flagler University students
  • Summer resources


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