About Charter Schools

  Quality Charter Authorizing

Charter schools are public schools that are operated by the governing board of a non-profit organization under the sponsorship of the St. Johns County School Board. The grade levels, targeted student population, and services of a charter school are defined by the contract established between the School Board and the non-profit organization.

St. Johns County School District takes pride in being a high quality charter school authorizer. Our expectations of excellence in education are for all students in every public school. With that commitment comes a responsibility to implement a comprehensive charter application process that is consistent with all statutory requirements as well as the values, standards and expectations established by the School Board. We follow a fair, transparent process using rigorous criteria that leads to granting contracts to those who demonstrate strong capacity to establish and operate a quality charter school that meets the needs of a targeted student population.

Charter School Principles:
1.  Meet high standards of student achievement while providing parent choice
2.  Promote enhanced academic success and financial efficiency
3.  Provide parents with information regarding reading level and learning gains

Purpose of a Charter School: While charter schools may be established for varying purposes; Florida statue 1002.33 states that all charter schools shall:

1. Improve student learning and academic achievement
2. Increase learning opportunities for all students, with special emphasis on low-performing students and reading
3. Encourage the use of innovative learning methods
4.    Require the measurement of learning outcomes


Charter Schools In St. Johns County

© 2025 St. Johns County School District