To the St. Johns County School District Families,
This year we have experienced fragmentation in our society and anxiety in our lives. The tragic death of George Floyd has been the catalyst for social unrest and protests that speak to the inequities felt by the black community. As superintendent, I believe it is paramount that our schools educate and support children as they develop into young adults with the knowledge to take the next steps in their lives and the character to help build a better world for themselves and their families.
Our mission statement reads that we “will inspire good character and lifelong learning in all students, creating educated and caring contributors to the world.” Our core values go on to include the six pillars of Character Counts! and understanding that “in order to grow and thrive, individuals need caring relationships and a nurturing environment.” To accomplish our mission, we must teach students how to think for themselves, treat everyone with respect, and demonstrate caring and compassion to one another. It is important that moving forward, we engage our students in conversations about the issues of equity, opportunity, responsible citizenship and other important issues that face our country.
We strive to be a better school district every day and foster a positive supportive school community, that is free of prejudice, discrimination and racism. I am committed to continuing our hiring efforts to create a more diverse teacher and administrative workforce that best represents our students and the community we serve.
Since 1998, the St. Johns County School District has embraced Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship in the Character Counts! program. At this time, my hope is that we will lean on these foundational pillars of character to learn, teach, and grow as one community together. The biases that we each carry with us can only be confronted by our understanding and willingness to look through the lens of another. We must accept our differences in order to embrace each other as we humbly work together as one community and country. I am committed that our school system will continue to build a school community of inclusion and support, to develop trust, caring and respect in our students and staff.
Tim Forson
Superintendent of St. Johns County Schools