Dear SJCSD Parents/Guardians,
First, I want to thank you for your support and preparation which led to an outstanding first week of school with your children. Again, this year we find ourselves working in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Although many conditions have changed, we are still in a situation that calls for us to be vigilant in our efforts to protect ourselves and the children we serve. Due to the rate of positive cases that are coming into school, the St. Johns County School District is mandating face masks or face shields for all employees and visitors for the next 30 days. In accordance with Executive Order 2021-175, this temporary mandate does not apply to students. This is effective tomorrow, August 25, 2021, and we will evaluate this mandate at the end of the 30-day period ending, September 23, 2021.
Tim Forson
Superintendent of Schools
St. Johns County School District