Good Evening SJCSD Parents and Guardians,
In an effort to provide you with information and guidance on COVID-19 and being healthy and safe at school, our Health Services Department has provided a Student Health Screening Entry Form. This health screening form will help you to assess your child daily for a variety of symptoms and to ask answer questions about contact your child may have had.
A second document is the Student Symptom Criteria Checklist. This document will be used by the school nurse at your child’s school to determine symptoms that he/she may be experiencing and will require a medical evaluation and instructions for returning to school.
Lastly, we have included a presentation, the SJCSD Student Day with PPE video, showing some of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that will be used throughout the school day. Thank you for your continued support as we work to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.
Kyle Dresback
Associate Superintendent of Student Support Services
St. Johns County School District