For New Guest Teachers

For New Guest Teachers

Advantages of Becoming a Guest Teacher

The Guest Teacher role provides…

  • An opportunity to put your degree to work.
  • Flexibility – you pick the days and schools.
  • An opportunity to work with diverse student populations.
  • An opportunity to contribute to the learning and development of the students in our school district.

More Details

St. Johns County School District welcomes your application for Guest teaching. You can apply through AppliTrack when the posting is active.

This position pays $15 hour and is considered an “at will, as needed” category.  Being an “at will” worker it is not a benefited position. Our guest teachers do not earn Florida Retirement credits. You are placed in Bencor 401(a) FICA alternative plan, an alternative to social security tax. Medicare tax and federal income tax deducted.

To apply you must be 20 years or older AND 60 college credits or more.  Please go to AppliTrack  look for Guest Teacher (substitute) vacancy under Featured jobs.  You must click on the RED apply button in the posting when active. You will know you successfully applied by receiving an email confirming the job posting was successfully submitted. If you need assistance with the application, you can call our help desk for AppliTrack at (904) 547-7631.

After the posting closes as determined on the posting information, you will receive an email within a few days to schedule your in-person interview. Upon a successful interview you will receive further information for hiring after interview. All employees are required to complete background fingerprint screening and drug screening when instructed. We provide training/pre-employment class before hire.

How to Apply

New guest teacher positions will be posted in St. Johns County School District’s Application Tracking System, AppliTrack, on July 1, 2024.

The daily hourly rate is $15.00.

Questions? To get help applying, please call the AppliTrack Help Desk at
(904) 547-7631


Applicants who hold a minimum of an associate degree or equivalent of 60 credits or higher and who are 20 years of age or older are eligible to apply. Preferences given to applicants that have graduated or are graduating from an Education program. All applicants will be reviewed for strong teaching potential, above average references, experience in critical need areas, and/or an education degree.

Assignment Changes at Schools

Guest teachers are able to select the school and grade level/subject of their preference, but be advised that the guest teacher serves at the need of the school and specific jobs are subject to change should the school see fit. Flexibility is appreciated.

© 2025 St. Johns County School District