Teacher Evaluation Model

What is EEE?

EEE stands for Empowering Excellence in Educators and is an acronym that describes the instructional practice portion of teacher evaluation in St. Johns County School District. Our schools visibly value and invest in lifelong learning and continual improvement. Within any St. Johns County school, the common culture of “good isn’t good enough” is easily recognized as a guiding principle. Parents, school administrators, teachers, district office personnel and community stakeholders have their eye on the same target: student success. EEE is one of the avenues our school district uses to support teacher development and increased student outcomes. Our district has adopted the Marzano FocusedTeacher Evaluation Model framework. This model is made up of two evaluation tracts: Classroom Teachers and Instructional Support Teachers. The framework for Classroom Teachers comprises 23 elements designed to inform the instructional practices of teachers across four Domains: Standards-Based Planning, Standards-Based Instruction, Conditions for Learning, and Professional Responsibilities. The framework for Instructional Support Teachers comprises 11 elements (with six optional instructional elements) designed to inform the instructional support practices of support teachers across four Domains: Planning and Preparing to Provide Support, Supporting Student Achievement, Continuous Improvement of Professional Practice, and Professional Responsibilities . The Marzano framework was designed using thousands of studies conducted over 50 years. These studies have been published and have been widely used by K–12 educators around the world.

Category I Teachers

A Category 1 teacher is any teacher who has 0-2 years of verified teaching experience. Also included in this category are any beginning teachers and new to SJCSD teachers regardless of previous teaching experience. Additionally, this includes teachers who broke service with SJCSD and have returned to the system. Teachers new to the field remain a Category 1 teacher for two years. Teachers with more than two years verified teaching experience who are new to the school district remain a Category 1 teacher for one year. See chart below.

Teacher Category Placement

Teachers are assigned to categories based upon their experience and performance.

The two categories are:

Minimum Observation Requirements
Category 1: Any teacher who has 0-2 years of total teaching experience, anyone new to SJCSD this year regardless of experience, including teachers who broke service with SJCSD and returned this year, or any teacher with a final observable score from the previous year = 2.4 . 4 Observations
Category 2: Any teacher who has at least 2 years of experience and is not new to SJCSD this year and who has a final observable score form the previous year = 2.5. 3 Observations


Classroom Teacher Observation: Any classroom or meeting visit lasting at least 15 minutes including evidences from Standards-Based Planning, Standards-Based Instruction, and Conditions for Learning.

  • Lesson Plans requested either before, during, or after observation
  • Element 1: Planning Standards-Based Lessons/Units and Element 4: Identifying Critical Content from the Standards should be scored for each observation
  • Dialogue (either face-to-face or through iObservation Collaboration) regarding the observation
Instructional Support Personnel Observation: Any activity or meeting visit lasting at least 15 minutes or dialogue regarding an activity or meeting including evidences from Domain 1: Planning and Preparing to Provide Support, Domain 2: Supporting Student Achievement, and Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities.

  • Plans requested either before, during, or after observation
  • Observation lasts a minimum of 15 minutes or dialogue covers evidences from at least Domains 1, 2, and 4
  • Element 1: Establishing and Communicating Clear Goals for Supporting Services should be scored for each observation
  • Dialogue (either face-to-face or through iObservation Collaboration) regarding the observation